Fedora 28: Install Nagios for web base system monitor tool

This article will describe installing Nagios which is a web-base system monitor tool.

1 Install Nagios

The following script will install Nagios.

  • NAGIOS_PASSWD is password of nagiosadmin user for Basic authentication.
#!/bin/sh -e

[ -z "${NAGIOS_PASSWD}" ] && NAGIOS_PASSWD=nagios

  sudo dnf install -y nagios nagios-plugins-all

  sudo htpasswd -db /etc/nagios/passwd "nagiosadmin" ${NAGIOS_PASSWD}
  sudo systemctl enable httpd
  sudo systemctl restart httpd
  sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
  sudo firewall-cmd --reload

  sudo dnf install -y checkpolicy
  cat <<EOF > my-nagios.te
module my-nagios 1.0;
require {
  type httpd_t;
  type nagios_spool_t;
  type nagios_script_t;
  type nagios_etc_t;
  class file { open read getattr map };
allow httpd_t nagios_spool_t:file { open read getattr };
allow nagios_script_t nagios_spool_t:file { open read getattr map };
allow nagios_script_t nagios_etc_t:file { map };
  checkmodule -M -m -o my-nagios.mod my-nagios.te
  semodule_package -m my-nagios.mod -o my-nagios.pp
  sudo semodule -i my-nagios.pp
  rm -f my-nagios.te my-nagios.mod my-nagios.pp

  sudo systemctl enable nagios
  sudo systemctl restart nagios


Nagios configuration to Apache2 is written in the following file. You can change Nagios configuration like Digest authentication.


2 Access to Nagios

Access to Nagios via the following URL.


Input nagiosadmin user and NAGIOS_PASSWD.


Nagios is displayed.
