Debian 9: Install atftpd for TFTP server

This article will describe installing atftpd for TFTP server.

1 Install atftpd

Install atftpd package.

$ sudo apt install -y atftpd

atftpd uses inetd by default. /srv/tftp is TFTP server directory by default.

$ cat /etc/inetd.conf
tftp            dgram   udp     wait    nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd
/usr/sbin/in.tftpd --tftpd-timeout 300 --retry-timeout 5 --mcast-port
1758 --mcast-addr --mcast-ttl 1 --maxthread 100
--verbose=5 /srv/tftp

2 GET file with atftp

Install atftp package.

$ sudo apt install -y atftp

Put file to /srv/tftp.

$ echo "hello" | sudo tee /srv/tftp/hello.txt

Get file with atftp from TFTP server.

$ echo "get hello.txt" | atftp
tftp> get hello.txt
$ cat hello.txt