CentOS 7: Access remote server console with conspy

The conspy is a tool for displaying and operating console via SSH. This is useful for remote server which has a monitor but not keyboard. You can run monitoring tool like top and glances which will display on monitor without keyboard.

1 Install conspy

Install conspy in remote server.

$ sudo yum install -y epel-release
$ sudo yum install -y conspy

1.1 Build and install conspy

If monitor resolution is large, the following error is occured.

conspy: screen too large. I only handle up to 200x80.

The conspy 1.14 will resolve this issue. Download conspy 1.14 src.rpm from conspy site, build and install conspy 1.14.

$ sudo yum install -y rpmdevtools
$ C=https://sourceforge.net/projects/conspy/files/conspy-1.14-1
$ wget ${C}/conspy-1.14-1ras.src.rpm
$ sudo yum-builddep -y conspy-1.14-1ras.src.rpm
$ rpmbuild --rebuild conspy-1.14-1ras.src.rpm
$ sudo yum localinstall -y rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/conspy-1.14-1ras.x86_64.rpm

2 Usage of conspy

Run "sudo conspy".

$ sudo conspy

Yellow is a terminal which runs "sudo conspy" via SSH. White is a virt-viewer which displays tty1.


Press Esc 3 times for escaping conspy.