Docker: Docker image which runs XRDP on CentOS 7 desktop

I have created Docker images which runs XRDP on CentOS 7 desktop including Xfce4 and MATE. This article will introduces this Docker image. For detail usage of docker, please check this.

1 Download Docker image from DockerHub

The following will pull Docker image from DockerHub and connect to container with rdesktop. You can connect to container with Windows remote desktop.

$ id=$(docker run -d --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --tmpfs /tmp \
   --tmpfs /run -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \
$ ipaddr=$(docker inspect \
    --format="{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" "${id}")
$ rdesktop -g 1024x768 -u doxrdp -p doxrdp "${ipaddr}"


Desktops are as the following.

hiroom2/doxrdp-centos-7-xfce Xfce4
hiroom2/doxrdp-centos-7-mate MATE
  • Username is doxrdp and password is doxrdp.
  • One container needs 100 - 150MB RAM. xfce needs 100MB and mate needs 150MB.
  • In case Core-i5 and SSD machine, it takes about 5 seconds to connect to XRDP after starting container.
  • This docker image is not shrinked at all. Image size is about 2GB.

2 Download Dockerfile from GitHub

You can build Docker image on local machine with Dockerfile in GitHub.

$ git clone
$ cd doxrdp
$ ./doxrdp build centos-7-xfce
$ ./doxrdp rdesktop centos-7-xfce